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Customer Service / versión en español

Spectacular, Spectacular!

1st grade, secondary - 4th grade, secondary

  • Can you believe it?!

    We've performed "Spectacular, Spectacular!" in 47 different provinces of España.

  • Availability

    You can use our website to look for upcoming shows in your area and request reservations for your students.

  • Did you know ...?

    112,462 people have seen "Spectacular, Spectacular!" since it was first performed for an audience in January, 2003. Really.

¿Tienes alguna duda? LLÁMANOS y te asesoramos. Disponibles de lunes a viernes de 9 a 15h.
91 434 02 84

Spectacular, Spectacular!

1st grade, secondary - 4th grade, secondary

A group of cavemen telling stories round a fire. A greek tragedy. The King and his jester. Shakespeare's classics. Romantic melodramas. Broadway musicals. What do all these elements have in common? They all make up Face 2 Face's hilarious journey through the history of theatre where the actors give us their particular comic vision of each age.